
Chess Level 6 Lesson 13: Undermining

 Undermining is when remove the defender(it doesn't always have to be with trading).

Chess Level 6 Lesson 12: Open Files

 Open files are where there are no pawns on it Types of files: 1. Full open files a file where there are exactly no pawns on it. 2. Half open files a file where there are pawns on one team. 3. Closed files are files where there are pawns on both teams.

Chess Level 6 Lesson 11: Piling Up On Pinned Pieces

 Piling on pinned pieces means you're adding more attackers.

Chess Level 6 Lesson 10: When To Trade 5

 We'll be focusing on cramps today. A cramp is when all your pieces are almost or fully passive. Exchange your cramped pieces for your opponent's spaced pieces.

Chess Level 6 Lesson 9: When To Trade 4

Today, we'll be focusing on defending yourself. If you're winning: 1. Avoid trades 2. Keep as many of your pieces on the board as possible If you're losing: 1. Make trades to make your king safer 2. Eliminate threats

Chess Level 6 Lesson 8: When To Trade 3

 We'll be focusing on undermining and weakness creating. Undermining is when you remove the defender Weakness creating is simply when you make a weakness for your opponent.